Ep. 155 – The Pocomoke Forest

The Pocomoke Forest, located in the Chesapeake Bay region, is an 18,000-acre woodland that has many hiking trails, a camping area, hunting accessibility, and is considered to be Maryland’s most haunted forest. There are stories of haunted churches, spirits with tragic origins, and various unexplained phenomena. There are many stories and Urban Legends told about this forest including a six-fingered ghost who leaves his handprint on car windows, a spirit and his cat seen in Furnace Town, and a goat man who haunts the area.

Visitors to the forest have heard the sounds of a woman screaming for help and a baby crying, have seen apparitions and shadows, and have felt someone touch them on the shoulder or felt their hair being pulled by someone not there.

Join us on episode 155 to hear more about this haunted forest in Maryland!